Meet the Cast: Antony and Cleopatra

Where are you from? How did you end up here (or why did you stay)?
I was born and raised in Grand Rapids. I love the theatre community GR has to offer and don’t plan to leave for some time, but I do hope to one day travel someplace warmer so long as there are plenty of acting opportunities.
Where did you study acting?
I participated in plays as a kid and took a few classes at Grand Rapids Civic Theatre. I was involved in sports which made it hard to make time for anything else. Eventually I quit half of the sports I participated in, recalled my love for theatre and have slowly gotten myself back into it and now I am going full steam, auditioning for every show that interests me, taking more classes, and hoping to obtain a BFA in acting.
What theaters have you worked with? Describe a favorite role/production:
So far I have worked with Circle Theatre and now Pigeon Creek. Otherwise my past experience on stage derives from school and college. One of my favorite productions was The Miracle Worker which I played a small part in high school. I think the story is so eye-opening and inspirational and I would love to be a part of it again.
What do you do in your free time?
I spend a lot of time trying to learn everything I can about acting through classes and even YouTube videos. I enjoy Netflix, singing, video games, painting, tennis, spending time with friends and my siblings and kayaking.
Share three “fun facts” about yourself:
I listen to the Newsies soundtrack every single day (It’s basically a motivation pill).
I can solve a Rubik’s Cube.
I can do a pretty good impression of most Disney princesses (At least I think so).
Pick three adjectives that describe your (major) character and explain why you chose them:
If I had to describe Charmian in three adjectives, I would choose bold, genuine, and faithful. Charmian’s relationship with Cleopatra is a little odd for a lady in waiting. Unlike most other royal courts, Cleopatra has more of a friendship with Iras and Charmian. Even with that blurry line of ranking, Charmian is often bold in her manner speaking to Cleopatra. She will not hide her thoughts and is genuine in the way she speaks her mind. She is also clearly faithful to Cleopatra as she has no problem killing herself simply because Cleopatra decides they all must do so.
What was the last role you played (for Pigeon Creek or any other company)? Describe some key differences between that character and your current character:
The last role I played was Greta in Snow White: The Queen’s Fair Daughter at Circle Theatre. Greta is the royal family’s chambermaid and is very similar to Charmian, Cleopatra’s lady-in waiting. They both are basically servants and their lives revolve around these powerful women. I find Charmian to have a lot more leeway with her queen and there is a bit more friendship and trust between them. Charmian does not hesitate to speak her mind and she and Cleopatra have a lot more playful banter and I find that Charmian really does care for Cleopatra. Greta, on the other hand, acts professional for the most part with the queen but secretly hates her guts.