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Meet The Cast of King Lear: Edgar

I was born in a little town outside of Detroit, Michigan and moved to Traverse City, Michigan the summer before my eighth grade year.

In Traverse City I fell in love with theatre through the Old Town Playhouse, Traverse City West Senior High School and the City Opera House. Next year I’ll be moving to Chicago to continue my acting career, but this year I’m spending my time living in Grand Rapids and attending school at Grand Valley State University studying Journalism and Theatre.

A past role that I really enjoyed was Snoopy in You’re A Good Man Charlie Brown at TC West. The high-energy dog gave me a chance to lose my mind on stage and belt my little heart out.

Most of my free time is spent writing-everything from poetry to screenplays. When it’s a bit warmer you can find me riding the streets with my longboard.

Some fun facts!

I was half deaf until I was about nine

I hate jukebox musicals

I’ve been compared to Jack Black more times than I would like to admit.

Three adjectives that I would describe Edgar with would be loyal, quick-witted, though also daft. Loyal, because he sticks with his father through and through. Quick-witted because, I mean, come on. How else would you think of something like Poor Tom. And though he’s quick-witted, he’s also quite daft. I mean, his first scene he just blindly listens to Edgar without any proof. Who does that?

The last significant role that I played was Willy Wonka in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The difference is drastic. With Wonka every movement was very sharp and precise, whereas with Edgar (specifically Poor Tom) I never know what my body is doing.

The reason that I wanted to become an actor was because of my older brother Noah. I would see him up on the stage when I was younger before moving to TC. As soon as I saw an opportunity where I could be on stage with him, I took it. I’ve never looked back.

My dream Shakespeare role has got to be Horatio in Hamlet (a role that Noah once played brilliantly), or Oberon in Midsummer's Night Dream (I’ve already played Lysander, so I want to switch it up a bit).

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The Pigeon Creek Shakespeare Company

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