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Origins: Early Experiences with PCSC

Since I've never written a blog before, this alone became a challenge. I had so many ideas and thoughts bouncing around in my mind.

I had been away from the stage for many years and almost a decade since performing Shakespeare. I had elbow surgery during the rehearsal process so it's nice to have two working arms this time around.

After performing for another West Michigan theatre company (The Stark Turn Players) last fall, I attended a fundraising event for Pigeon Creek. As much as I enjoyed watching all of the scenes, I wanted to perform Shakespeare again even more.

One new practice (to me at least) that PCSC uses is audience contact. I was taught not to 'break the fourth wall" and could almost hear my Theatre professors voices telling me to look between their faces and not directly at them. But after taking more time to explore the text, it became more natural to me and I try to use it to my advantage.

I wanted to become an actor to help get out of my shell and also escape from myself. Over the years it has taught me to appreciate myself as a person even thought it's still nice to have that escape and be a part of someone else's story other than my own.

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The Pigeon Creek Shakespeare Company

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