Meet the Cast of Cymbeline: Pisanio

1) Where are you from?
I was born in Chicago then moved with my family to Grand Rapids for elementary to high school. I went to college back in Kalamazoo. Instead of Gotham (crime rate is terrible) I came back to GR. 2) Where did you study acting? I had the luxury of being taught Theatre from the amazing teachers of East Kentwood Highschool. I furthered my education at Western Michigan University where I was accepted into the Theatre Program. 3) What theaters have you worked with? I have done shows with Jewish Theatre Grand Rapids, Ebony Road Players, Heritage Theater, Civic Theatre, WMU Theatre, Face off Theatre Kalamazoo and now Pigeon Creek.
4) Describe a favorite role/production: Jewish Theatre production of Whipping Man. This Grand Award nominated show was truly what made me think I could call myself an actor. The three man show had amazing direction, chemistry, and a story that should be heard through the ages.
5) What do you do in your free time? Free....time......??? Well my biggest love is comic book history, not just the comics themselves but the universes they take place in. I also am known to cosplay from time to time.
6) Share three fun facts about yourself: I was a Michael Jackson impersonator as a young boy.
I love being Spiderman for young children
I can recite every line of Scott Pilgrim, Good Burger, and George of the Jungle. And no, I am not ashamed.
"With Great Power comes Great Responsibility"
- Not William Shakespeare