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A Tweetingly Honest Look at Henry V

Hi, I'm Josh Fremer and I play various noblemen and soldiers in Henry V. As part of my character work, I contacted the crack research team here at Pigeon Creek Shakespeare World Headquarters. They were able to unearth these long-lost tweets from 1415. Now we can finally hear the story in these characters' own words! Warning! Plot spoilers ahead.

@soldierWilliams: fell off my horse into the mud. spent all day at work shining boots. king died. kids won't stop fighting. #worstdayever

@dukeOrleans: @dauphin i know it was u who stole all the tennis balls from the rec room plz give them back #lowblowbro #srsly

@realHarfleur: Looking forward to the Harfleur Pumpkin Festival coming up next month! Special thanks to the Society of Reverend Fathers for their battlement beautification project and the Shrieking Daughters Club for volunteering to take care of our precious children! #ExpleurienceHarfleur

@loyalScroop: I do not recall conspiring with the French.

@dukeOrleans: @dauphin just wants to go to war to stop everyone asking why all the horses are walkin funny #realtruth #princedauphus

@soldierWilliams: Made several contributions to the English Channel today. For King and Country #seasick

@realHarfleur: @dauphin there's a bunch of guys here they say they got your balls. I didn't ask. Can you come talk to them or something?

@soldierWilliams: it never stops raining in france. who would want to invade a place like this? #ExpleurienceHarfleur

@realHarfleur: @dauphin no seriously they look super pissed. Short one says he wants to be king. pls hurry

@dukeOrleans: only @dauphin could turn tennis balls into casus belli #princedauphus

@realHarfleur: Please welcome our new king and his #hangry army into our town. The Pumpkin Festival has been canceled.

@soldierWilliams: next stop: agincourt. sounds super boring

@dukeOrleans: fighting the english tomorrow! everyone says it'll be super ez. #bastardnormans #soyouthinkyoucanfrance

@soldierWilliams: omg we're so boned

@soldierWilliams: hey that wasn't so bad #nailedit

@dukeOrleans: i guess in 100 years we'll all be speaking english. i think i'll take up poetry

@soldierWilliams: @kingharry and @princesskatherine getting hitched? whaaaaat? guess that's why he wanted to conquer france so bad #allforthenookie

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