Meet the Cast of Twelfth Night: Megan

This is my second production with Pigeon Creek and I am really excited to be Sir Andrew. I started acting in 2007 with a theatre day camp and have been addicted to it ever since. It doesn’t matter where I go- theatre communities have always felt like a safe space for me. The environment is welcoming, non-judgmental, and open to artistic expression. This feeling of acceptance is a big part of why I love acting and the theatre community in general.

I plan to continue acting because I want to explore the ways that theatre can help create social change. In college I did a lot of work with Theatre of the Oppressed (TO), which describes theatrical forms that the Brazilian theatre practitioner Augusto Boal created in the 1960’s. Boal was influenced by the work of the educator and theorist Paulo Freire, another huge name in this style of theatre. Theatre and activism together is the best marriage of my passions. I would love to study TO in grad school or drama therapy in order to use what I know to help people. I took many gender studies classes at GVSU in order to learn more about intersectionality and gender based violence. In the future I hope to use theatre to end rape myths, spread awareness of bystander invention, and to make a positive difference in the lives of victim-survivors in my community.
As I continue working on my craft there are a few roles I would like to be able to add to my résumé. This may sound cliché, but I really want a shot at Juliet from Romeo & Juliet. It is such a well-known, sometimes over-done role, but I want to present my spin on it. So many amazing actors have been Juliet throughout theatre history and I want to add my name to the list. Some people might be surprised since I am usually cast as the comedic character in plays. I want the challenge of a serious role; I am more than just a comedic actor. I would also like to play any of Shakespeare’s clown/fool characters, like Trinculo from The Tempest- they are right in my wheel house. Physical and slapstick comedy has always been my forte and I hope that everyone enjoys it in Twelfth Night.