Character Questions with Sarah Stark
Sarah Stark is a member of Pigeon Creek's Repertory Company and sits on the Board of Directors. She appears in The Tempest as Miranda....

Meet the Cast of The Tempest: Kaija
Pigeon Creek is excited to welcome Kaija von Websky! In her first production with Pigeon Creek, Kaija plays the roles of Stephano and...

West Michigan’s Own Shakespeare Company at the STA Conference
I am a member of Pigeon Creek’s repetory acting company and am currently playing the Duchess in The Duchess of Malfi, but I wear another...

A Few Thoughts on Being a Female Actor in Classical Work
I have a weird relationship with women in the classical canon. Before I go further, I will say this: I am an actor who loves doing...

All discord without this circumference / Is only to be pitied and not feared.
Duchess of Malfi is a tough play to summarize, and harder to categorize. On the surface, it feels like a typical Jacobean tragedy: high...