Discussing Doubling and Dialects
For this blog post, I’d like to reflect on the two characters I play in Henry V, the Duke of Exeter and Captain Fluellen. To be more...

Diary of Richard Plantagenet: by Scott Wright
August 27, 1424 - Today in the Temple Garden, Somerset & his friends were mocking me because I'm not a Duke yet... They're saying I...

Flowers & Herbs as Rhetorical Device 101 with Professor Ophelia
Hi there. My name is Ophelia. I’m glad you’re here with me today. We have a small yet vibrant garden here in Elsinore, and even in the...

The Age Old Question...Literally
How Old Is Hamlet? Shakespeare rarely gives an exact age for his characters, probably for the same reason he usually refrains from giving...

An Intriguing Invitation: Seraphina Zorn
A cordial invitation to the characters of the play. If your names be Marcellus, Player Queen, Sailer and Fortinbras as I am let ...

Meet The Cast of King Lear: Edgar
I was born in a little town outside of Detroit, Michigan and moved to Traverse City, Michigan the summer before my eighth grade year. In...

Playing Both Sides of the Wall
Warning - This blog contains spoilers for Pigeon Creek’s production of “King Lear.” Over the last month or so, I’ve had multiple...

Rolling with Regan
When I started preparing for this role, the most important factor I considered was summed up by a quote from George R.R. Martin: “Nobody...

Price of Nothing
The word “nothing” appears in King Lear 34 times and is said by nearly every major character in the play except Goneril, Regan and...

Diary of A Bastard
LISTS OF GRIEVANCES AGAINST MY BROTHER EDGAR Idiot Un-ironic hackey sack ownership Constantly doing stupid voices, thinks he’s SOOOO...