Make-up Design in The Tempest
Because Pigeon Creek's productions are so heavily doubled, the chance to do complicated stage make-up is rare. The fact our typical...

Putting a Performance Together
I’ve been thinking recently about how the performance of a play gets put together. There are the very obvious things, of course. The...

Renaissance Music at The Rose Playhouse
I've written in the past about some of the challenges we face as modern performers when we are required to create period, or at least...

A Crash Course in Shakespeare's Histories
When I say I'm performing in Romeo and Juliet or Hamlet, people recognize that. I generally don't have to provide much follow-up if I'm...

Dream Roles: When They Seldom Come, They Wished For Come
For the second time in a row, the generous artists at Pigeon Creek Shakespeare Company have made a career-long dream of mine come true....